Legal Notice

Lignomat a trademark of "AVR Rettenmeier GmbH"
Brandfeldstraße 2  ·  91614 Mönchsroth  ·  Deutschland

Tel. (+49) 09853 38555 23
Fax (+49) 09853 38555 19


Legal form: limited company
CEO: Anna Rettenmeier
District court Ansbach HRA 8374
Sales tax Identificationsnummer: DE 367 142 644

Disclaimer of liability:

The provided information on this website was checked carefully and is updated regularly. However, no liability or guarantee can be assumed for the fact that all information is right any time completely, and is shown in the last actuality. This is valid in particular for all links to other websites to which directly or indirectly is expelled. All information can be changed without previous announcement, be removed or be complemented. Neither the publication nor her contents may be changed without previous approval of the Lignomat GmbH somehow or be distributed into three parts or be transmitted.

For photos without acknowledgement the picture rights lie as a rule with Lignomat GmbH. Of it divergent copyrights are given with the bigger pictures often in the caption shortened. We use other photos from image bank.

Service Center

Why you should decide on a Lignomat device:

Lignomat disposes for 20 years of the best experiences in the area of Wooden dampness measurement. We lead only High-Quality measuring instruments. Our devices are exact, reliable and built solidly! An investment is worthwhile! Leading enterprises of the wooden industry place on Lignomat. With more than 200.000 sold measuring instruments we are worldwide a leading supplier.

We offer:

- skilled consultation
- Help with the choice of the measuring instruments
- Repair centre


Online Shop

Our online shop is accessible to you. Now you can order comfortably at every time of day your measuring instruments from us.

Online Shop

Online Shop

Just we develop an on-line shop. At the middle of October we will start.

!!! The world premiere !!!

Freely programmable measuring instrument

The "mini LIGNO smart" is starting. The newest development in our house is acted a measuring instrument on the base of ours mini LIGNO devices. The new "smart" device can be tuned individually to the customer wish. From a big list the customer can choose up to 16 different species of wood or building material kinds on the device are struck up. The customer has to let adapt therefore the possibility a device especially on his needs. Now the sales of the new device is starting!